When will I receive my order?
choicecafes.com will always ship your order the day its received.

Why order from choicecafes.com?
We take great pride in our quality products and exceptional customer service. We are here to help you. If you have any questions about our products, simply email our Customer Support and we will gladly help you find the right coffee and tea for your store or shelf. We, here at choicecafes.com, also strive to provide the best experience for our customers. You are our number one priority! Please do not hesitate if you have any questions about our site.

What forms of payment does choicecafes.com accept?
We accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Is my payment secure?
We take extreme precautions to ensure that your information is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed. When you provide us with your credit card information, the information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with a AES-256 encryption.  We follow all PCI-DSS requirements and we implement additional generally accepted industry standards.

Refund Policy

choicecafes.com prides ourselves in ensuring that your products are delivered in a timely matter. Usually between 2-4 business days after shipped. If an order gets lost in transit, the order will be immediately replaced or a full refund will be given. If you are in any way unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact a member of the choicecafes.com customer support team to set up a refund or return. Products returned must be unopened, untampered with and sealed. Customer is responsible for return shipping costs. choicecafes.com does not guarantee refunds or replacements on delayed packages. We are not responsible for shipping carrier delays due to negligence. If tracking number information states that the order was lost due to shipping carrier negligence, we would immediately send out a new package. Refunds will not be given if customer writes down the wrong shipping address.